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Buy Spanish Language Tutorial as a PDF e-book! Spanish Language Tutorial includes a complete vocabulary and grammar review of the Spanish language (much more than what is available online), transcripts of authentic Spanish videos, and Spanish realia photos. The PDF e-book and mp3s - including nearly two hours of recordings by five native speakers from three countries - are available for immediate download with FREE lifetime updates. Thank you for supporting ielanguages.com! Download the first ten pages of Spanish Language Tutorial (including the table of contents).
To download the updated mp3s, please purchase Spanish Language Tutorial!
If you're interested in buying books to supplement your Spanish studies, I've recommended some books from Amazon and there is a Spanish Interlinear book with literal English translations under the Spanish text. Need more Spanish? Try the Spanish courses at Udemy, the audio and video lessons at SpanishPod101.com, and the authentic videos with subtitles and English translations at Yabla's LoMásTV and FluentU
Basic Spanish Phrases
If you'd like to study these phrases (and their pronunciations) individually, please go to Basic Spanish Phrases.
¡Buenos días! bway-nohs dee-ahs Hello! / Good morning! | ¡Buenas tardes! bway-nahs tard-ays Good afternoon! | ¡Buenas noches! bway-nahs noh-chays Good evening! / Good night! |
¡Hola!/¡Chao! oh-lah / chow Hi! / Bye! | Adiós. ah-dee-ohs Good bye. | Por favor. por fah-bor Please. |
Hasta la vista / Hasta luego. ah-stah lah vees-tah / ah-stah loo-ay-go See you / See you later. | Hasta pronto. ah-stah prohn-toh See you soon. | Hasta mañana. ah-stah mahn-yahn-ah See you tomorrow. |
(Muchas) Gracias. (moo-chahs) grah-see-ahs Thank you (very much). | De nada. day nah-dah You're welcome. | Bienvenidos byen-veh-nee-dohs Welcome |
Lo siento loh see-ehn-toh I'm sorry | Con permiso / Perdón / Disculpe kohn pehr-mee-soh / pehr-dohn / dees-kool-peh Excuse me / Pardon me | ¡Vamos! bah-mohs Let's go! |
¿Cómo está usted? koh-moh ay-stah oo-sted How are you? (formal) | ¿Cómo estás? koh-moh ay-stahs How are you? (informal) | ¿Qué tal? kay tahl How's it going? |
Bien / Muy bien bee-ehn / moy bee-ehn Good / Very good | Mal / Muy mal / Más o menos mahl / moy mahl / mahs oh may-nohs Bad / Very bad / OK | Sí / No see / noh Yes / No |
¿Cómo se llama usted? koh-moh say yah-mah oo-sted What is your name? (formal) | ¿Cómo te llamas? koh-moh tay yah-mahs What is your name? (informal) | Me llamo... / Mi nombre es... may yah-moh / mee nohm-breh ess My name is... |
Mucho gusto. /Encantado. moo-choh goo-stoh / en-cahn-tah-doh Nice to meet you. | Igualmente. ee-guahl-mehn-tay Same here. / Same to you. | Señor / Señora / Señorita sayn-yor / sayn-yor-ah / sayn-yor-ee-tah Mister / Mrs. / Miss |
¿De dónde es usted? day dohn-day ehs oo-sted Where are you from? (formal) | ¿De dónde eres? day dohn-day eh-rehs Where are you from? (informal) | Yo soy de... yoh soy day I'm from... |
¿Cuántos años tiene usted? quahn-tohs ahn-yohs tee-ay-nay oo-sted How old are you? (formal) | ¿Cuántos años tienes? quahn-tohs ahn-yohs tee-ayn-ays How old are you? (informal) | Yo tengo _____ años. yoh tayn-goh _____ ahn-yohs I am _____ years old. |
¿Habla usted español? ah-blah oo-sted eh-spahn-yol Do you speak Spanish? (formal) | ¿Hablas inglés? ah-blahs een-glehs Do you speak English? (informal) | (No) Hablo... noh ah-bloh I (don't) speak... |
¿Entiende usted? / ¿Entiendes? ehn-tyen-deh oo-sted / ehn-tyen-dehs Do you understand? (formal / informal) | (No) Entiendo. noh ehn-tyen-doh I (don't) understand. | Yo (no lo) sé. yoh noh loh seh I (don't) know. |
¿Puede ayudarme? pweh-deh ah-yoo-dar-meh Can you help me? (formal) | Claro / Claro que sí klah-roh / klah-roh keh see Sure / Of course | ¿Cómo? koh-moh What? Pardon me? |
¿Dónde está / Dónde están... ? dohn-deh eh-stah / dohn-deh eh-stahn Where is ... / Where are ... ? | Aquí / Ahí ah-kee / ah-ee Here / There | Hay / Había... eye / ah-bee-ah There is / are... / There was / were... |
¿Cómo se dice ____ en español? koh-moh seh dee-seh ___ en eh-spahn-yol How do you say ____ in Spanish? | ¿Qué es esto? keh ehs ehs-toh What is that? | ¿Qué te pasa? keh teh pah-sah What's the matter (with you)? |
No importa. noh eem-por-tah It doesn't matter. | ¿Qué pasa? keh pah-sah What's happening? | Sin novedad. seen noh-veh-dahd Nothing much. |
No tengo ninguna idea. noh tehn-goh neen-goo-nah ee-deh-ah I have no idea. | ¡Buena idea! bweh-nah ee-deh-ah Good idea! | ¡Pase! pah-seh Go ahead! |
Estoy cansado / enfermo. eh-stoy kahn-sah-doh / ehn-fehr-moh I'm tired / sick. | Tengo hambre / sed. tehn-goh ahm-breh / sed I'm hungry / thirsty. | Tengo calor / frío. tehn-goh kah-lohr / free-oh I'm hot / cold. |
Estoy aburrido. eh-stoy ah-boo-ree-doh I'm bored. | No me importa. noh meh eem-por-tah I don't care. | No se preocupe. noh seh preh-oh-koo-peh Don't worry |
Está bien. ehs-tah bee-ehn That's alright. / It's ok. | Me olvidé. meh ohl-vee-deh I forgot. | Tengo que ir ahora. tehn-goh keh eer ah-oh-rah I must go now. |
¿Listo? lees-toh Ready? | Quizás / Depende. kee-sahs / deh-pehn-deh Maybe / It depends. | Todavía no. toh-dah-vee-ah noh Not yet. |
¡Qué chistoso! keh chees-toh-soh How funny! | ¡Que le vaya bien! keh leh vah-yah bee-ehn Have a nice day! | ¡Nos vemos! nohs veh-mos We'll see you! |
¡Salud! sah-lood Bless you! | ¡Felicitaciones! feh-lee-see-tah-see-oh-nehs Congratulations! | ¡Buena suerte! bweh-nah swehr-teh Good luck! |
Te toca a ti. teh toh-kah ah tee It's your turn. (informal) | ¡Callate! kah-yah-teh Shut up! | Te amo. tay ah-moh I love you. (informal and singular) |
- Notice that Spanish has informal and formal ways of speaking. This is because there is more than one meaning to 'you' in Spanish (as well as in many other languages.) The informal you is used when talking to close friends, relatives, animals or children. The formal you is used when talking to someone you just met, do not know well, or someone for whom you would like to show respect (a professor, for example.)
- Encantado, cansado, enfermo, and aburrido are the masculine forms of the words. If the words refer to a woman or are spoken by a woman, then the final o changes to a: encantada, cansada, enferma, and aburrida
- In Spain, as well as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, the Spanish language is called castellano instead of español.
- Por favor is often shortened to just porfa. Porfis can also be used (at least in Mexico) to mean pretty please.
- Please keep in mind that because Spanish is spoken in many countries, there are several regional dialects and accents so pronunciation rules may not apply to all countries. This tutorial is mostly concerned with the standardized varieties that are spoken in Mexico and northern/central Spain, but will also include common variants from other countries and/or regions. (The southern region of Spain, Andalucía, and the Canary Islands, exhibit features that are closer to Latin American Spanish.)
Learn Spanish online for free
Buy Spanish Language Tutorial as a PDF e-book! Spanish Language Tutorial includes a complete vocabulary and grammar review of the Spanish language (much more than what is available online), transcripts of authentic Spanish videos, and Spanish realia photos. The PDF e-book and mp3s - including nearly two hours of recordings by five native speakers from three countries - are available for immediate download with FREE lifetime updates. Thank you for supporting ielanguages.com! Download the first ten pages of Spanish Language Tutorial (including the table of contents).
To download the updated mp3s, please purchase Spanish Language Tutorial!
If you're interested in buying books to supplement your Spanish studies, I've recommended some books from Amazon and there is a Spanish Interlinear book with literal English translations under the Spanish text. Need more Spanish? Try the Spanish courses at Udemy, the audio and video lessons at SpanishPod101.com, and the authentic videos with subtitles and English translations at Yabla's LoMásTV and FluentU
Basic Spanish Phrases
If you'd like to study these phrases (and their pronunciations) individually, please go to Basic Spanish Phrases.
Ie Castellano De
¡Buenos días! bway-nohs dee-ahs Hello! / Good morning! | ¡Buenas tardes! bway-nahs tard-ays Good afternoon! | ¡Buenas noches! bway-nahs noh-chays Good evening! / Good night! |
¡Hola!/¡Chao! oh-lah / chow Hi! / Bye! | Adiós. ah-dee-ohs Good bye. | Por favor. por fah-bor Please. |
Hasta la vista / Hasta luego. ah-stah lah vees-tah / ah-stah loo-ay-go See you / See you later. | Hasta pronto. ah-stah prohn-toh See you soon. | Hasta mañana. ah-stah mahn-yahn-ah See you tomorrow. |
(Muchas) Gracias. (moo-chahs) grah-see-ahs Thank you (very much). | De nada. day nah-dah You're welcome. | Bienvenidos byen-veh-nee-dohs Welcome |
Lo siento loh see-ehn-toh I'm sorry | Con permiso / Perdón / Disculpe kohn pehr-mee-soh / pehr-dohn / dees-kool-peh Excuse me / Pardon me | ¡Vamos! bah-mohs Let's go! |
¿Cómo está usted? koh-moh ay-stah oo-sted How are you? (formal) | ¿Cómo estás? koh-moh ay-stahs How are you? (informal) | ¿Qué tal? kay tahl How's it going? |
Bien / Muy bien bee-ehn / moy bee-ehn Good / Very good | Mal / Muy mal / Más o menos mahl / moy mahl / mahs oh may-nohs Bad / Very bad / OK | Sí / No see / noh Yes / No |
¿Cómo se llama usted? koh-moh say yah-mah oo-sted What is your name? (formal) | ¿Cómo te llamas? koh-moh tay yah-mahs What is your name? (informal) | Me llamo... / Mi nombre es... may yah-moh / mee nohm-breh ess My name is... |
Mucho gusto. /Encantado. moo-choh goo-stoh / en-cahn-tah-doh Nice to meet you. | Igualmente. ee-guahl-mehn-tay Same here. / Same to you. | Señor / Señora / Señorita sayn-yor / sayn-yor-ah / sayn-yor-ee-tah Mister / Mrs. / Miss |
¿De dónde es usted? day dohn-day ehs oo-sted Where are you from? (formal) | ¿De dónde eres? day dohn-day eh-rehs Where are you from? (informal) | Yo soy de... yoh soy day I'm from... |
¿Cuántos años tiene usted? quahn-tohs ahn-yohs tee-ay-nay oo-sted How old are you? (formal) | ¿Cuántos años tienes? quahn-tohs ahn-yohs tee-ayn-ays How old are you? (informal) | Yo tengo _____ años. yoh tayn-goh _____ ahn-yohs I am _____ years old. |
¿Habla usted español? ah-blah oo-sted eh-spahn-yol Do you speak Spanish? (formal) | ¿Hablas inglés? ah-blahs een-glehs Do you speak English? (informal) | (No) Hablo... noh ah-bloh I (don't) speak... |
¿Entiende usted? / ¿Entiendes? ehn-tyen-deh oo-sted / ehn-tyen-dehs Do you understand? (formal / informal) | (No) Entiendo. noh ehn-tyen-doh I (don't) understand. | Yo (no lo) sé. yoh noh loh seh I (don't) know. |
¿Puede ayudarme? pweh-deh ah-yoo-dar-meh Can you help me? (formal) | Claro / Claro que sí klah-roh / klah-roh keh see Sure / Of course | ¿Cómo? koh-moh What? Pardon me? |
¿Dónde está / Dónde están... ? dohn-deh eh-stah / dohn-deh eh-stahn Where is ... / Where are ... ? | Aquí / Ahí ah-kee / ah-ee Here / There | Hay / Había... eye / ah-bee-ah There is / are... / There was / were... |
¿Cómo se dice ____ en español? koh-moh seh dee-seh ___ en eh-spahn-yol How do you say ____ in Spanish? | ¿Qué es esto? keh ehs ehs-toh What is that? | ¿Qué te pasa? keh teh pah-sah What's the matter (with you)? |
No importa. noh eem-por-tah It doesn't matter. | ¿Qué pasa? keh pah-sah What's happening? | Sin novedad. seen noh-veh-dahd Nothing much. |
No tengo ninguna idea. noh tehn-goh neen-goo-nah ee-deh-ah I have no idea. | ¡Buena idea! bweh-nah ee-deh-ah Good idea! | ¡Pase! pah-seh Go ahead! |
Estoy cansado / enfermo. eh-stoy kahn-sah-doh / ehn-fehr-moh I'm tired / sick. | Tengo hambre / sed. tehn-goh ahm-breh / sed I'm hungry / thirsty. | Tengo calor / frío. tehn-goh kah-lohr / free-oh I'm hot / cold. |
Estoy aburrido. eh-stoy ah-boo-ree-doh I'm bored. | No me importa. noh meh eem-por-tah I don't care. | No se preocupe. noh seh preh-oh-koo-peh Don't worry |
Está bien. ehs-tah bee-ehn That's alright. / It's ok. | Me olvidé. meh ohl-vee-deh I forgot. | Tengo que ir ahora. tehn-goh keh eer ah-oh-rah I must go now. |
¿Listo? lees-toh Ready? | Quizás / Depende. kee-sahs / deh-pehn-deh Maybe / It depends. | Todavía no. toh-dah-vee-ah noh Not yet. |
¡Qué chistoso! keh chees-toh-soh How funny! | ¡Que le vaya bien! keh leh vah-yah bee-ehn Have a nice day! | ¡Nos vemos! nohs veh-mos We'll see you! |
¡Salud! sah-lood Bless you! | ¡Felicitaciones! feh-lee-see-tah-see-oh-nehs Congratulations! | ¡Buena suerte! bweh-nah swehr-teh Good luck! |
Te toca a ti. teh toh-kah ah tee It's your turn. (informal) | ¡Callate! kah-yah-teh Shut up! | Te amo. tay ah-moh I love you. (informal and singular) |
Ie Castellano Ingles
- Notice that Spanish has informal and formal ways of speaking. This is because there is more than one meaning to 'you' in Spanish (as well as in many other languages.) The informal you is used when talking to close friends, relatives, animals or children. The formal you is used when talking to someone you just met, do not know well, or someone for whom you would like to show respect (a professor, for example.)
- Encantado, cansado, enfermo, and aburrido are the masculine forms of the words. If the words refer to a woman or are spoken by a woman, then the final o changes to a: encantada, cansada, enferma, and aburrida
- In Spain, as well as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, the Spanish language is called castellano instead of español.
- Por favor is often shortened to just porfa. Porfis can also be used (at least in Mexico) to mean pretty please.
- Please keep in mind that because Spanish is spoken in many countries, there are several regional dialects and accents so pronunciation rules may not apply to all countries. This tutorial is mostly concerned with the standardized varieties that are spoken in Mexico and northern/central Spain, but will also include common variants from other countries and/or regions. (The southern region of Spain, Andalucía, and the Canary Islands, exhibit features that are closer to Latin American Spanish.)