Casino Heist Hack

Go to your Arcade and start the “Vault Contents” Prep Go to the guard and hack his phone Go to the Casino and identify the vault contents If it isn’t the Vault Content that you want then call Lester (while still inside the Casino) and select the option that says “Cancel The Diamond Casino Heist”. Heist Crew Gunman - Aboloji Driver - Karim Denz Hacker - Avi Schwartzman - Gives you plenty of time to collect everything you need and means you only have to hack one fingerprint for each vault cage door (unless on Hard mode, then it's 2 hacks per gate), as well as allowing extra time to drill for a few more goodies. Preps Mandatory.

Casinos are in the business of cash.

It’s simple.

They almost always have the house edge, which means that gamblers are working with odds that aren’t in their favor.

Gta casino heist aggressive

Since the house almost always wins, there is a lot of money (cash or other currency forms like bitcoin and gold) in their vaults. This also means that some thief is looking for an easier, softer way to win it big.

There are a lot of casino movies about robbing, crooks, and big dreams.

Casino Heist Hack

The Oceans 11 movie franchise is built on this dream.

Just in case you’ve been stranded on an island since the first Oceans 11 movie came out, here’s the plot:

  • 2 high rollers (played by George Clooney and Brad Pitt) build a team of criminals.
  • They plan to rip off all the money in the casino (Bellagio in Las Vegas) and win back Clooney’s love interest, Julia Roberts.

Casino robberies have been romanticized by Western culture. Rarely do the thieves get away. When they do, it’s not for long.

In this post, I’m going to tell you about the biggest (moneywise) heist in history and the most expensive drink ever sold.

This true story is an example of human faults, betrayal, and not knowing when to call it quits.

The Crown Casino Never Saw It Coming

In 2013, the Crown Casino in Melbourne Australia was swindled out of 33 million dollars (USD). I wish that there was more information on the internet about this, but the casino didn’t even report it to the local police.

You read that correctly.

The casino and its management didn’t report the biggest casino heist in history to the local police.

We’ll get into my theory why later.

A New Zealand businessman was invited to play at the casino’s high roller room. He had been a previous customer.

Much like American casinos, the Crown caters to the high roller players. Bigger bets almost always equal bigger losses. This means more money in the vault. You get the idea.

The businessman, millionaire James Manning, played 8 winning hands of blackjack to win a total of 32,000,000 Australian dollars (33 million USD). This tipped off the Crown Casino’s security.

It turns out that the VIP services manager had recruited Manning to come play in their high roller room that week. Manning was also scheduled to star in a record-setting event when he would buy “The Winston,” the most expensive drink in the world.

The Guinness Book of World Records would be there to record the purchase. The casino’s bar, Club 23, was gearing up for the event and the record being set by the bar.

How Did This Happen?

This heist is reminiscent of the Ocean’s 11 original film. There is hacking, behind the scenes treason, and even a PR nightmare.

This is how it all went down:

  • Manning and the VIP services manager worked ahead of time to hack into the casino’s security camera system. According to some tech experts, this is not a hard task.
  • Now that they have access to the high-resolution camera across the casino, they can see everything they need to put Manning in a winning player position in the high roller room.
  • The VIP services manager is also supposed to be involved in a $12,500 cognac drink launch. We will talk about that later.
  • Manning checks into the casino with his family into a VIP villa. This will become the home base of the largest casino heist in history.
  • James plays the eight winning hands with the help of the hacked security cameras and signaling from the VIP services manager.
  • Casino security is starting to get curious. The Crown’s security team realizes it’s their own VIP services manager that is signaling to Manning how to win each of the hands.
  • Manning leaves the casino floor with the biggest win in the casino’s history.
  • Manning carries on as if nothing is out of place.
  • In the middle of the night, the Crown security team discovers the heist and evicts Manning from the property. Here’s the kicker: Manning had not transferred the winning money (USD 33,000,000) to his personal account.
  • Considering the money had not left the casino’s vault, they decided to not press charges. What they did do was expel him from the property, file a no-trespass order, and cancel the drink event.
  • The casino didn’t contact local police as the money was still “in house.” Unfathomable, right?

Let’s Drink About It – The World’s Most Expensive Drink

Let’s talk about that expensive cognac drink. Manning was scheduled to buy the world’s most expensive drink. The goal was a PR event to set a world record for the most expensive drink.

What’s in a $12,500 drink?

“The Winston” has 1858-vintage Croizet Cuvee Leonie cognac.

Its namesake comes from the same vintage as Winston Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower shared when they discussed the D-Day landings of WWII.

The Crown Casino Melbourne had a problem — an expensive problem. They had no buyer for their drink. The casino had no way of knowing that the buyer for the record-setting event would also attempt to steal $33,000,000 (USD) from the casino during the same trip.

The Guinness Book of World Records was on-site to view the event. A representative from Croziet, the owner of the 1886 bottle of cognac, was on-site to deliver the $150,000 bottle of cognac.

The event had been marketed worldwide to media and other industries. This was going to put Club 23 on the map.

So, what is a bar and casino to do with no buyer for their record-setting cocktail?


Manning had been banished from the casino, and who else had an extra $12.5k laying around for one cocktail?

The marketing team for the Crown Melbourne was scrambling to find a replacement buyer. This is where my theory comes in.

Great Plans Always Have a Fault

I have been in PR and marketing since I graduated from college. I have never organized an event of this type. I have had to scramble for coverage of a celebrity that decided to cancel an event at the last moment.

If I were on the PR/marketing team for the Crown, I wouldn’t notify the police either. The money is still in house. The buyer has been marketed as buying the drink. No buyer equals find a buyer.

I would silently sweep my $33 million problem under the rug and proceed like nothing happened. I wouldn’t want the blowback and would want to salvage what I could from this event.

The Crown, I think, had a similar idea. Let’s find a new buyer. No harm, no foul.

Almost a Record, but Not Quite

Two of the executive staff from the Crown – Vice President of VIP Services, Ishan Ratnam, and the Chief Operating Officer of Crown Hotels, Peter Crinis – approached Giang Nguyen.

Nguyen is the biggest financial contributor to the Geelong Football Club. Geelong Football Club is a professional Australian rules soccer team based out of Geelong, Victoria, Australia.

Ratnam and Crinis had another problem to tackle. Nguyen is a discreet spender. He is a regular at the Villa at the Crown Tower but isn’t known to throw around money. Unlike Manning, Nguyen wasn’t willing to throw down the $12,500 for the cost of the drink.

They came up with a workaround.

Nguyen would pay for the drink, and the casino would pay him back after the record was set, and the event was over.


Easy, right?

Not so much.

The casino was already swimming in a PR nightmare with the gambling scandal. Even though the casino didn’t report the robbery to the local police, the public knew. It was swirling around like wildfire on social media and traditional media outlets.

This event needed to go off without a hitch. Nguyen showed up and bought the drink with his own money. It was recorded, and the hosting bar, Club 23, would receive the world record for the most expensive drink ever sold.

There was one problem:

The bar didn’t actually sell the drink.

Nguyen showed up at Club 23 wearing casual clothes considering he was brought in for the high-end record-setting event. He was escorted by his friend, Ishan Ratnam.

He ordered the drink and paid for the drink.

He took a sip and left the unfinished drink on the bar.

Obviously, Nguyen was not interested in the record and was unimpressed by the entire event.

This raised some eyebrows with the media. Words soon leaked that Nguyen was paid back for the record expense.

The media, other industry affiliates, and the public started to question if this really was a record since the buyer was paid back by the casino. It should be clear that the Crown paid back Nguyen, not Club 23.

Things went from bad to worse. Nguyen was transparent when he said he was just helping a friend. Not good.


As of the time of this post, the Crown Casino still holds the title for the biggest casino heist and the most expensive cocktail ever sold.

I had planned on sharing with you the top three biggest casino heists in history, but this one was too good to just give a couple paragraphs.

I’ll be posting about the other two contenders for the biggest casino heists in history in the second part of this 2-parter. Stay tuned.

Humans aren’t good at admitting defeat, neither is The Crown Casino Melbourne. I hope you enjoyed this ultra-PR fail story about cheating, casino heists, and marketing flops, check out part two here.

Casino Heist Hacker Unlock

One guard will be drunk on the street while the other will be in a motel room. Avoid all the guards and leave through the staff lobby exit door where you came in from, where the metal detectors are. You do not have to do the duggan shipments, power drill and security intel prep missions. Leave the area to successfully complete the prep mission.This prep mission is a mandatory silent and sneaky approach specific prep mission. Release the drill button as soon as you see the heat gauge going up. Having different approaches to the new casino heist is one of the major new features added to GTA Online via the DLC. Before the topic, I want to promote the game: Grand Theft Auto V Firstly, when it comes time to do the fingerprint scanner hacking, the pattern that you will see on one door will be the same for all the doors that you hack inside. As you pass through the doors you will notice two guards at the desk, take them both out and there will be a camera to your left. The best avaialble default hacker is PAIGE HARRIS who takes 9% from the final cut, but its worth it since she gets you 3 minutes and 15 seconds in the vault.An even better hacker is AVI SCHWARTZMAN who you can unlock by completing a side quest. When you start the mission read the prompt that will pop up asking for a confirmation to start the mission for a level 2 security pass.Once you head into the party, wait for Lester to send you a picture of the Croupier. You can get the pedestrian car and easily escape through sewer tunnels. Hi there. You can do different activities such as drinking and dancing to keep the suspicion bar low. The infiltration suits will mostly be inside of a police station. Take the elevator to the upper floor, bring your phone out and find the hacking device using the signal strength bar, the same way you did when in N.O.O.S.E headquarters.Once you have acquired the hacking device, head back outside the same way you came in from. So make sure the camera is facing away from you and then enter the doors.

After you destroy the drones, you need to collect their scraps and bring them back to the arcade so Lester can create a nano drone for you. This general prep work is also necessary for In this mission you need to find a specific car and take a photo of the contents of the trunk. Georgina Cheng, Vice President of Cheng Holdings, wants to take the Duggans down, and she needs help to do it. You will automatically equip the coroner officer's clothes. They will be passed out and once you search for the keycard you'll discover it's not actually on them. One requires you to go to a pool party and get the card from the croupier. If you want to do everything the proper way, then you might as well consider acquiring a Level 2 Security Pass as a mandatory mission.There are two different types of missions you can be given. The Casino Heist has three different approaches: Casino Heist - Silent & Sneaky, which is focused on stealth gameplay and usage of devices to difficult detection from enemies. You can still take out the guard at the tower but you need to be super quick about it since the snipers situated at the prison are extremely strong and will destroy you, sometimes even one-shotting you. For instance, you can take out the left guard and your friend can take out the right one. However, the location will be guarded by Merryweather and heavy army personnel. This guide will show “Fingerprint Keypad” in Grand Theft Auto V for PC offers players the option to explore the award-winning world of Los Santos and Blaine County in resolutions of up to 4k and beyond, as well as the chance to experience the game running at 60 frames per second. Once you reach the party, a suspicion bar, at the bottom right corner of your screen, will become visible. A good thing about this mission is that you can collect the fallen drone scraps whilst you're in your vehicle.The Vault Lasers prep mission is also a mandatory mission. If you have an Oppressor Mark II, it will make doing this method a tad bit easier. With Level 1, you will need to hack doors to get through them.

Casino Heist Hack Code

But you can do it carefully and make sure that does not happen.After you get out of the casino, head over to the casino race track and either go for your getaway vehicles and head to the sewers to lose the cops, or as soon as you get on the race track, stay on the right side of the track and when the end comes, go to the right and over the fence. Will I keep them for further heists? Underneath that, you can switch to either the level 1 pass mission or level two pass mission.

Vault Door, Casino Model and Fingerprint Scanner. In addition, Level 2 cards allow you to enter through all the doors without the need to hack them. There are several heist setup missions, and they will differ based on the approach you decide to take. You also do not need to get the masks.There can be two types of mission to acquire the vault keycards. As soon as the camera turns to the left or right, depending on what side of double doors you've chosen to go out of, exit out and head to the keypad door leading to the stairway where you came from initially.As soon as you enter the stairway, before going up, take out the camera using your stun gun and then head to the top floor, back to the staff lobby area. Just make sure when you are going in killing everyone, not to accidentally blow up the target car.You can see for this particular location, there is a black car (circled in green) right next to the gray car (circled in red). The Diamond Casino & Resort has been taken over by the Duggans, Texan petrochem magnates who wrenched control from Tao Cheng and the Triads. Find me on Diamond Casino Heist - Silent & Sneaky Approach - Full Setup & Execution GuideYou can night vision off by going to the Interaction menu > Style > Accessories > Gear.

Gta Diamond Casino Heist Hackers

But note that as soon as you reach the exit, the agents will recognize you and start shooting, so make sure you have some snacks and armor. In one of the missions, you need to hijack a prison bus and head to the prison impersonating a prison guard. Head to the N.O.O.S.E headquarters and sneak into the building to find the hacking device.

Gta 5 Casino Heist Cheat Sheet

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